<type>(<scope>): <subject>
fix(middleware): ensure Range headers adhere more closely to RFC 2616
Add one new dependency, use `range-parser` (Express dependency) to compute
range. It is more well-tested in the wild.
Fixes #2310
- feat 针对用户来时的新功能
- fix 针对用户来说的bug修复
- docs 文档更新
- style 代码格式化,添加分号对代码没有影响的提交
- refactor 代码重构,如变更一个变量名
- test 测试代码修改
- chore 更新注释等
- ci 配置更新
- init
- runner
- watcher
- config
- web-server
- proxy
Message body:
- 修改内容说明
Message footer:
- 关闭的问题如:
Closes #123, #442
Fixes #422
参考: http://karma-runner.github.io/2.0/dev/git-commit-msg.html